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Nano Bots / Nano Fibers
NSA/Electronic Harassment - Stalking - MIND CONTROL
Toxicsky.org / Chemtrails
SmartMetersMurder.com / CellTowers
Common Core Curriculum / Education
ToxicDrinkingWater.org / Fluoride
Vaccines / Autism
GMO / Senomyx
Climate Action Plans
Agriculture Census
U.N. Sex Guide
Robots / NanoTEch
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Leuren Moret
Barrie Trower
Deborah Tavares



It is most important to listen to the YouTubes entitled "SVALI". SVALI and her family are 
X-Illuminati and she tells us how the Illuminati came to America to take over. . . Originally,
the Illuminati called America a Mission and setup their headquarters in Pittsburgh. Yes, in
Pittsburgh. Their accounting offices were in Virginia and they created headquarters in San Diego,
California and in Portland, Oregon . . SVALI estimates that the Illuminati are now approximately 1% of the American population, and position themselves in local government positions, judges, elected
officials and the like . . . We recommend you read "The Great American Adventure - Secrets of America"
by Judge Dale a free download on the home page of www.StopTheCrime.net Once you understand what happened
you will easily understand the planned future we were never told about. . .


Institutes and Universities with a SECRET-

The Carnegie Mellon University, known as a private research university, is in Pittsburgh and has
been actively advancing and funding technologies that are responsible for reshaping entire global
societies. The university is involved in creating a Robot City that is operating successfully by
replacing the need for humans. . The Robotics Institute at Carnegie Mellon University was established
in 1979 to conduct basic and applied research in robotics technologies relevant to industrial and
societal tasks. Seeking to combine the practical and theoretical. The Robotics Institute has diversified
its efforts and approaches to robotic science while retaining its original goal of realizing the
potential of the robotics field. The facility is approximately 80,000 sq. ft. on the Oakland campus;
100,000 sq. ft. at the National Robotics Engineering Center in Lawrenceville and 7,000 sq. ft. and
forty acres of testing fields at Robot City, the NEW Field Robotics location in Hazelwood.
The Robotics Institute has a budget of over $65 million a year. The Robotics Institute was the
first Robotics department in any U.S. university. Robotics Institute research volume has doubled
every seven years since its founding. The departments strong support for collaboration creates an
ideal environment for world class robotics research. There are over 500 faculty, staff, students,
post-doctoral fellows and visitors at The Robotics Institute - fields comprising of engineers,
computer science, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, psychology, and many other
disciplines. Research sponsors include: the Department of Defense (DOD); DARPA; NASA; NIH; and
NSF (National Science Foundation) among others. The NSF is a United States government agency that
supports fundamental research and education in all the non-medical fields of science and engineering.
The Robotics Institute (RI) has over 100 projects. The Robotics Institute is the largest university
affiliated robotics research group in the WORLD.

In a Mission Statement ABOVE they say, Pennsylvania institutions have a "hidden secret". They admit
to leading a "Revolution in our Infrastructure", and they say they want to "expose" this "secret"
to the world. They tell us they will blend our traditional physical-infractructure (transportation
and transit systems, buildings, pipes, power grid, concrete and steel), with a cyber-infrastucture
(computers, networks and sensors), in ways that are just emerging. They are advancing technologies
that will build or re-build the world's transportation, civil, manufacturing and other infrastructure.
They say they will work together with other institutions and organizations to carry forward and
highlight their "hidden secret" . . . Definition of "CIVIL" - citizens of a community of citizens,
their government or their interrelations, cultures. Civil virtue (the cultivation of habits that
are claimed to be important for the success of the community), civil action/civil lawsuit, CIVIAL
AFFAIRS - (a term used by both the United Nations and by military institutions - such as the U.S.
Military, but for different purposes in each case. Civil Affairs Officers in U.N. Operations are
civilian staff members who are placed in the forefront of mission interactions with local government
officials, civil society, and other civilian partners in the international community.)
To learn more about your reality it is recommended that you read the source documents on the sourse
document link on www.StopTheCrime.net (Silent Weapons Quiet Wars; NWO Exposed by Insider 1969;
the Iron Mountain Report; the NASA WAR Plan and many other military and source documents on the
site are all available for free downloads)